Thursday, August 9, 2012

15 Plumbing Tips to Save Money on Your Water Bill!

15 Plumbing Tips to Save Money on Your Water Bill!
Who wants to talk toilets? No? Then how about saving money with every flush? While most homeowners are looking at their electric or gas bills for savings, savvy consumers know the value of ...
water conservation. You, too, can increase your water savings by following a few simple plumbing tips.

■Toilet leaks- Test your toilet for leaks by adding a few drops of food color into the tank. If the bowl water changes color, you've got a leak. Check the working parts for a faulty seal or some other issue. Toilets are fairly easy to figure out but don't hesitate to call in a plumber to correct the problem if things get complicated.
■Showerheads- Changing out your showerheads to low-flow models won't alter your showers but should save you some money. These showerheads are easy to install and come in various styles. Another plumbing tip is to make sure the faucet seals are in good condition. Worn out seals can cause slow leaks to form behind the shower walls.
■Kitchen helpers- Cut back on rinsing dishes before loading up the dishwasher; today's machines and detergents are designed to get off all the stuck on food and grease. Keeping the food and grease out of the sink drain will also cutback on future plumbing issues.
■Low-flush toilets- Consider change your existing toilets to low- flush toilets therefore saving on the amount of water used in every flush.
■Take shorter showers.
■Flush only when necessary.
■Shut off water while brushing your teeth.
■Only run your washing machine with full loads.
■High efficient washing machines- Consider switching out your old washing maching for a high efficiency washing machine since they use considerable less water for each load of wash.
■Cover your spa or pool to avoid evaporation.
■Only wash your cars when it is necessary.
■Consider investing in a high efficiency water heater also called a tankless water heater.
■Remember to minimize the use of water when preparing foods.
■Put your irrigation system on a timer and remember to override the timer if it is raining or has recently rained.
■Add catch basins to your gutters to reuse the rain water- water your lawn or wash your cars with the rain water


  1. Paying attention to exposed pipes can help you save money as well. Leaks are commonly found in these areas because they are highly prone to damage. Another way to prevent plumbing nightmares is to ensure that the drains are free from debris. Clogged drains are notorious for backing up water to other lines, which can cause tremendous damage.

    Bibi Karpel

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great tips! Conserving water in your home does not only save you money on your utility bills, but it also contributes to saving and caring for the environment. Water is, after all, not a limitless resource.

    Angela Burnett

  4. All your tips are great. I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well. Thanks for sharing this information.Your views so useful and helpful for me .
    plumbing roswell ga

  5. “Add catch basins to your gutters to reuse the rain water”---- This is indeed a great tip! I personally do this at home. There are so much you can do with the rainwater than just letting it fritter away. Usually, I use it to water the plants and when I’m cleaning our courtyard.

    Darryl Iorio
