Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hey Flag. Gardners, Think Green.. even if it's January

In January, you will most likely be doing all your seed starting indoors.

Vegetable and Herb Seeds To Start
Broccoli Chives
Cauliflower Thyme
Cabbage Sage
Parsley Marjoram
Onions Cilantro

Perennial seeds can also be sown now, if they haven't been done already. Purchase seed starting mix for your indoor seedlings when you purchase your seeds.
Note:  the last expected frost date  is May 15th. So if you are from a different area, double check your frost dates and adjust the planting schedule accordingly.

Maintenance Chores to Do
Most of the maintenance chores and home garden tips for January deal with soil preparation.
If the soil has thawed in your area, it's a good idea to turn it. This will start to break up the frozen layers, as well as exposing insect eggs and larvae for the birds to take care of.
In addition, if it freezes again, it will kill any exposed pests.
If you have a square foot garden, a warm day in January is ideal for cleaning out last summer's growth and turning the soil.
If you are planning a square foot garden for the first time, you should start building your grow beds now.

Pest Control
During the colder months, there isn't an awful lot to do when it comes to pest control. Turning the soil to expose pest eggs, as mentioned above, can be useful.
You should also take a warm day and walk around your property looking for signs of damage. Nipping a problem in the bud before it warms up significantly is much easier.
If you wait until spring is in full bloom, it may be too late to implement a good pest control strategy.
Now is a good time to research natural and organic pest control measures. Have them ready before planting time.

Seedlings that are started indoors don't really need an awful lot of fertilizing. When they get to the juvenile stage, they can benefit from a diluted application of fish emulsion, or another organic fertilizer.
Turn to your compost pile, if you have one, and begin adding that composted organic material to your growing beds. It's also not too late to begin composting the organic matter from your garden.

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