Monday, July 9, 2012


Curiosity did not kill the cat in this case! Instead he gets to sip on fresh cool water and chillax in the cool bath tub...ppaaw yeah! Oh wait, but he isn't so smart being so cute and rolling around in the tub!! He just brought it to your attention that you are wasting precious money by letting that seemingly "no big deal" leak, go unfixed. Don't let uour cat pressure you into his "spa day" everyday in the tub! It cost you more than you would think, plus...think of all the money you could save by fixing it! Maybe YOU could afford a spa day for youself! .. just think..relaxation, fresh artisian water..pampering... ahhh.....

Let Meowzer sip in his kitty bowl and you rest assured if you got plumbing problems, we got options for a resolution.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree with you on this. It’s funny how people take simple plumbing problems, such as a leaky faucet, for granted and then complain about crazy water bills later on. It may seem a like a small amount, but a faucet that drips once every two seconds can waste two gallons of water everyday. A single call to your technician to fix the problem right away wouldn’t hurt.

    Darryl Iorio
