Monday, July 16, 2012

Congrats to our contest winners!!!

Congrats to our contest winners Brant & Janalyn Brown! We want to thank them for the opportunity to come to their home to install their prize and for sharing their stories with us. You've read their winning essay. Now read their story of how their lives have changed since then:

Most people cringe when they wake to the sounds of kids in the kitchen, however, what we heard the other day didn’t make us cringe at all. In fact it was quite the opposite. It sounded like someone was unloading the dishwasher on their own without any nagging or threatening?  We went to the kitchen only to see our six year old son ask, “Can I load the dishes too?”  Sweet music to our ears!  Honestly since we have our new sink it has been assembly line precision as dishes are rinsed and placed in the drainer or loaded immediately. I don’t think a dish has sat in the sink un-rinsed yet. Seriously! Even just tonight I asked my 6 year old if he could take my dish to the sink for me. His response was, “I’d love to.” I think that is quite a unique experience and the new sink has definitely been the catalyst for new and exciting occurrences such as this in our home. We are thrilled that, as we had hoped, the increased ease of taking care of the dishes has made the kids more willing to help out.
We are also very happy with the new water filtration system. The benefits of this we did not even consider, but the kids enjoy getting a drink of water from the “baby” tap and we are certainly enjoying some new healthier habits as we are all drinking more water now.
Finally, we need to mention how awesome the new disposal is. The fact that we were able to have it installed on the other side of the sink has been awesome. It has been a big part in making the dishes easier to take care of. Also, this disposal is so quiet. I am excited to have friends over without worrying about needing to run the disposal since you could hardly talk over the noise of the old one.
Mortensen Custom Plumbing, we “sink” you’re amazing!
Thank you so much!
Brant  and Janalyn Brown

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